
‘Scenario Based’ Vs ‘Role Play’ Interviews

>> Thursday, August 6, 2009

During interviews, Hiring managers tend to ask too many questions. During a lot of my previous interviews, I went through scenario based questions to role based questions. A very simple example of a role based question will be asking you to sell a box of chocolates to the interviewer? I can sense what you are thinking - Yes, you are interviewing for a Business Analyst position not for a marketing role and they do know that too. Handling role play interviews? I will write more on that later but for now read below a nice post I came across.

These are the values which drive my life. On my best days, this is who I am; on my worst, they still mostly apply (I hope …)

I actively seek challenges that excite me.
I convey my excitement openly, genuinely, and infectuously.
I urge others to identify their values, tap into their passions, and get going!

I consider the circumstances of others in my dealings with them.
I assume the best and most constructive motivations on the part of others.
I demonstrate my ignorance of others’ circumstances by asking positive, open-ended questions and listening carefully to the answers.

I live by consistent values in a transparent manner, without regard of what’s at stake or who’s watching.
I make decisions based on my values and what’s right for the situation and people involved, not what’s most personally beneficial or most expedient.

I share my values openly and invite discussion of them.
I express compliments and concerns freely and frequently, in ways that will be heard and is not hurtful to others.
I make a point of complimenting the good work of others. I share compliments I’ve heard with the subject of those compliments.
I share concerns in ways which make them actionable for others.
I hold myself and others accountable for mistakes. When appropriate, I fully acknowledge my role in bad choices and work to make things right.

I step into unowned problems and help find them a home.
I constantly seek to improve my vision of the best possible future and articulate it to others in a way which allows them to act independently toward that end.
I look for opportunities to mentor others in growing in line with their personal values.
I help others engage in long-term critical thinking and help them recognize that they are fully empowered to act as a force for positive change.

I take opportunities to do small kindnesses and good deeds whenever I can.
I relieve pain wherever possible.
I seek first to understand.

I do not allow concerns about my personal well-being to prevent me from addressing a problem.
I take positive, direct action even when I dread the work or the outcome.
I seek creative solutions to intimidating problems, pursuing the most positive outcome for all involved.

I meet my commitments. I do not take on commitments which I know I can’t meet.
I manage expectations openly and clearly.

I use humor to defuse tension and relieve pain.
I always look for and share the humorous aspects of challenging or grim situations.