
Asking questions during a Business Analyst interview !

>> Thursday, August 6, 2009

After going through too many interviews all these years, I believe interviewing is all about sharing your experience (and expertise) in the form of stories. Little varies depending on the position, otherwise its all about asking questions to show your analytical bent.

Most of us do not realize the importance of asking questions. Ideally you should be preparing for the number (along with the kind) of questions you are going to ask during the interview.


It (Interviewing) is like a two way traffic. Not only the interviewer tries to understand your skills, ability blah blah, blah…You (interviewee) should also ask questions to understand more about the organization, you are going to work with. You may


  • start off the interview to understand the expectations of the interviewer. (Example: Can you help me understand what you expect from this role?
  • keep asking probing questions during the interview. An example can be asking more about the team and corporate strategy during the next year or so?
  • Most importantly, an interviewer will always allot time (around 5 - 10 minutes) at the end of interview. Make sure you are prepared to ask questions. How do you prepare? By researching more about the organization, latest news, acquisitions, industry trends, changes in the leadership…etc.

(E.g.: What are some of the things that I will be handling during the first few weeks in the job? )



Here is a nice article I just read about tips-to-having-a-successful-interview (written by Niquenya D. Fulbright, a Professional Life Coach.)


Hope this helps.…

