
What is Web 2.0?

>> Sunday, August 9, 2009

Of all the web 2.0 definitions I came across, I really liked the way the author represented above and this is the best presentation I have seen so far. The graph best explains the reach of the Web 2.0 Tools like Wikis, Blogs, Social Networking etc. Although organizations today are using a lot of formal Web 2.0 technologies for unified collaboration, we are seeing a lot of informal ways of how people connect to share information. An example of this is Best Buy's approach to streamline information for their Geek Squad.

In the Best Buy example, employees drove the adoption of Web 2.0 tools to improve collaboration and performance, but management also has a role to play. Managers can help to integrate Web 2.0 tools and talent management practices by endorsing their benefits. For some executives, this is a leap of faith. They're hesitant to say, for example, that playing an online game can boost employee performance and retention. Managers can help Web 2.0 initiatives succeed by lending the organization their stamp of approval.